Benefits and Characteristics of the Liquid for strong and long-lasting erection of the penis! 100% natural product, without a medical prescription and which guarantees 100% safe results.
💥 Main effects
🎯 Additional Benefits
🕒 Duration of Effects
📝 Instructions for Use
⚠️ Always remember:
All products in the Hierba del Tio line are CE certified and do not require the use of a medical prescription to be purchased. Highest quality and functional ingredients to improve sexual performance without any margin for error. 100% satisfaction guaranteed
🔥 If you are undecided and not sure of the effectiveness, we invite you to give it a try! Buy, take the product and then email us your feedback! We are certain that you will fall in love with Hierba del Tio's natural Viagra! ❤️
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Ellevu sl | Calle casp num 118 entresuolo 4 | Barcellona
P.I B56653405
Le informazioni e i prodotti presentati in questa sede sono esclusivamente a scopo informativo e non intendono sostituire il parere, la diagnosi o il trattamento medico professionale. I prodotti naturali per l’erezione del pene possono avere effetti diversi su individui differenti e non sono destinati a trattare, curare o prevenire alcuna malattia. Prima di iniziare qualsiasi integratore o trattamento, consultare sempre un medico o un professionista sanitario qualificato.